Marking Scheme

65 or above = PASS       75 or above = MERIT        85 or above = DISTINCTION


Preliminary Grade %
1. Scales and keys 45
2. Chords 35
3. Rhythm Notation 20
Grade 1 %
1. Scales and keys 40
2. Chords 35
3. Rhythm Notation 13
4. Knowledge of popular music 12


Grade 2 %
1. Scales and keys 35
2. Chords 30
3. Rhythm Notation 13
4. Knowledge of popular music 12
5. Harmony 10
Grades 3 to 8 %
1. Scales and keys 20
2. Chords 20
3. Rhythm Notation 10
4. Knowledge of popular music 15
5. Harmony 25
6. Transposition 10

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